A Must See Picture!

By:  John Fisher  One of gold’s primary roles is to keep Central Bankers honest.  If you think about it, gold (and by extension silver) is one of the only assets that does not have a corresponding liability.  Gold is beholden to no one, including world governments.  Gold is much like a mirror – it reflects the good, the bad and the ugly.  The mirror, gold, is impartial and it doesn’t lie.  It is a must see picture!

Nowhere is this truer than gold’s reflection of our monetary policy and its fiat currency.  When our country’s expenses exceed its income, we have to “take out a loan” in the form of additional currency and debt creation.  The chart below speaks for itself.

Ponder this:  Is gold in a bubble?  Or, is debt in a bubble?  And if you conclude that debt is in a bubble, then isn’t gold simply fairly valued?

We invite you to share your opinions!

All Things Considered – John’s Commentary

Action to take: From looking at the chart it is evident that if the debt ceiling is raised gold WILL go up in price.  Buy now!

What to buy: Low premium one-ounce gold bullion coins for stability and confidence.  Low premium silver in many forms for potential higher returns.  And, you need some of both.  We can help answer your questions – just give us a call.

Quote of the day: “It is the greenback which is unstable, and not bullion.” – Dr. Franz Pick