Payment in Full!

This is a very short, very powerful article.  Stop and consider for a moment the following statement: “The value of gold has never and can never go to zero”! Paper money is only a promise to pay. Gold is always payment in full. Promises can be broken and

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The Dow should be at 48,000!

By:  John Fisher One of the greatest dangers of a fiat money system is that over time people lose sense of what paper “money” is really worth. I say ‘over time,’ because, in the case of the US Dollar, this has occurred over a span of almost

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Gold Will Trade Higher on Record Deficits

By John Fisher April 12, 2010 The U.S. government produced the largest monthly deficit in history last month at $220.9 billion. That’s 14% higher than the previous record set in February 2009. And the deficit through the first five months of this budget year totals $651.6 billion,

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Why should I care about China?

Because their gold demand will double within 10 years! Published on, Xinhua, China – March 29, 2010 China’s demand for gold is set to double in tonnage terms within just 10 years, driven by growing needs for consumption and investment, the World Gold Council (WGC) said

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Debt – May I Interest You in Some More?

By:  John Fisher I was just doing my weekly internet reading and came across a very reputable source that now pegs the total US debt at just over $100 Trillion (what’s a trillion here or there anyway?)  That represents the unfunded debt, net of revenues, of all

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Gold Should Get Ready to Take a Back Seat

Eric Roseman, Investment Director for The Sovereign Society (March, 2010) Universally regarded as “poor man’s gold,” silver is at the cusp of a major secular rally that will outpace gold prices as the next leg of the bull market takes hold in 2010-2011. Adjusted for inflation since

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