Precious Metals and Diamond Appraisals
As accredited and certified appraisers, we have clearly differentiated ourselves from local coin dealers in our measurable ability to appraise your gold, silver, platinum, jewelry and diamonds. We are true experts in precious metals appraisals, as well as appraising diamonds of all sizes. We have attained our accredidation and certification through the International Society of Appraisers (ISA) and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Here is our ISA Biography page.
Fisher Precious Metals has extensive experience in appraisals of all types, including informal appraisals, qualified appraisals and estate appraisals for clients, their family members, estate attorneys, trust officers, legal guardians and family law attorneys.
We handle precious metals appraisals, diamond appraisals, estate appraisals, estate jewelry appraisals, and appraisals of coin collections. We also buy and sell precious metals, silver and gold coins, and jewelry.
Our appraisal and estate service offerings include:
- Written IRS Qualified Appraisals for estate tax, gift tax, guardianship and probate purposes
- Complimentary consultations at the advisor’s office or client’s home
- Informal Valuations for gold, silver, platinum, bullion and coins, rare coins and collections
- Informal Valuations for jewelry, sterling silver, flatware, watches and diamonds
- Hourly or fixed charge for qualified appraisals and valuations – your choice
- Fixed Percentage Brokers Fee of realized value for liquidations
Please note that we serve as a broker and not a dealer for all estate services. All values and costs are completely transparent.
We welcome the opportunity to help you value your precious metals, diamond and jewelry items today.