Precious Metals News and Analysis


Benefit from the Fall

By:  John Fisher Yesterday was a GREAT day for those who hold precious metals.  When the gold and silver markets fall as hard and as fast as they did yesterday, that almost invariably foretells of higher highs ahead.  Plus, we get a great buying opportunity at the

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Don’t Let It Phase You!

By John Fisher The THREE PHASES of this Metals Market: This precious metals market is still in its early stages. Now, we must be patient and realistic in our time frame.  Our returns will come soon enough, and our efforts will be rewarded. Don’t fall for the

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A Signal from the Stock Market

By James Turk The stock market is often acclaimed for its forecasting ability.  Stock prices peak long before the downturn in economic activity that generally results in a recession and a prolonged decline in the stock market.  Then after this lull in the economy, the bear market

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Poor Man’s Gold

By:  Eric Roseman – Investment Director for The Sovereign Society Universally regarded as “poor man’s gold,” silver is at the cusp of a major secular rally that will outpace gold prices as the next leg of the bull market takes hold in 2010-2011. Adjusted for inflation since

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Gold Poised to Challenge New Highs

By:  John Fisher – Chart from James Turk Numerous records continue to be broken by gold, including some longstanding ones that go back to the January 1980 peak.  Gold closed the month of May at a new record high against every major world currency except the Japanese

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