Precious Metals News and Analysis


The Biggest Myth – Gold Confiscation

By John Fisher Some precious metals firms foster the circulation of many myths, misunderstandings, and outright lies about the purchase and sale of precious metals. Generally, these misconceptions and falsehoods promote the notion that the government may again call in gold as it did in 1933 and

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8 Reasons Why Silver is a Better Investment Than Gold!

1. The historic silver/gold price ratio was 16:1, but in recent years, silver is relatively cheaper ranging from about 40:1 to 80:1. On October 12, 2009, with silver at $17.75/oz. and gold at $1,057/oz., the ratio is 60:1. This means that silver is currently undervalued, and cheaper

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Gold Jumps to Record High! Now What?

By John Fisher Gold hit a record high in the New York Spot Market today in what has been described as gold’s “longest rally since… 1948” (10/06/09, Bloomberg, “Gold Jumps to Record as Inflation Outlook Fuels Investor Demand”). The dollar is continuing to suffer from inflationary concerns

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5 Reasons Why Gold Will Continue to Rise through 2009 and 2010

1. Economy How bad can things get? Secretary of the Treasury Paulson talks of the current crisis being potentially worse than the Great Depression. Alan Greenspan told Congress that the financial meltdown had left him in a “state of shocked disbelief.” Reputable economists are saying “this looks

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Caution – Avoid European Coins

Over the last few years, telemarketers have been importing European bullion gold coins dated before 1933 and claiming they, like old U.S. gold coins, would be legally beyond the reach of the government in another recall. The imported coins most commonly promoted as non-confiscateable include: French Twenty

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Gold – State of the Union

John Fisher, Fort Lauderdale, FL Gold closes $1019 Silver $17.42 Fundamentals Swiss banks are running out of secure storage space for gold bullion held by investors and institutions due to fears of inflation – and hyperinflation. In April of this year, China announced that it has secretly

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$5,000 an Ounce Gold?

RENO, NV: By Dorothy Kosich – Tuesday, September 15, 2009 When über mining investor Rob McEwen makes predictions on gold prices or appears to have developed an interest in silver mines, retail investors heed his clarion call and place their bets that the gold price is about

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