Family Owned and 5-Star Client Rated Gold Dealer

American Gold Eagle Coins

Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

The American Gold Eagle series are the most popular US Gold coins from the United States Mint. They are known worldwide for their historic design based on Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ 1907 $20 Gold Double Eagle. The American Gold Eagle coins provide strong bullion investment appeal, while the Proof Gold Eagles offer highly desired collectiblity. Fractional Gold Eagles (1/2 oz., 1/4 oz. and 1/10 oz. gold coins) offer affordability in gold and are often sought after for prospective barter in survival situations.

The American Gold Eagles are composed of 91.67% gold from USA origin, which is alloyed with a small amount of copper (5.33%) and silver (3%) in order to create a more durable finish to the coin. The US Mint produces the American Gold Eagle in two forms, Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) and Proof. The most popular way to purchase the coin by bullion investors is in the Brilliant Uncirculated form, whereas the Proof finish is often sought after by collectors.

All forms of the American Gold Eagle coins are IRA Approved, and we recommend the BU form for your IRA. There is no need to pay the additional premium for the Proof coins in your IRA.

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