1 oz Palladium Bars – Secondary Market
Priced as low as $9.99 over spot!
These 1 oz Palladium bars are a cost effective way to purchase Palladium for your portfolio. Secondary market Palladium bars add diversity to your precious metals portfolio, and offer a lower premium than new Palladium bars. Palladium is gaining in popularity as investors seek to further diversify and add variety to their precious metals holdings.
These bars are an alternative to the Palladium Maple Leaf coin. Order you Palladium bars today at incredibly low prices!
Bar Highlights:
- Contains 1 troy oz of .9995 fine Palladium.
- Shipped in protective plastic flips
- Some bars have assay certificates, others do not.
- Obverse: Individual manufacturer designs.
- Reverse: All have weight and purity. Logo varies by manufacturer.
- Secondary market bars may have fine scratches etc.
Manufacturer and quality of bars are our choice.
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